What Does Turmeric Taste Like? A Look Into The World’s New Favorite Spice

What Does Turmeric Taste Like? A Look Into The World’s New Favorite Spice

If you happen to follow the trends of today, you are sure to come across turmeric, either marketed as a skin saver, to a sunny, orange beverage, or the missing key in a meal. But, what is this turmeric, and what does it taste like? Turmeric is overwhelmingly bitter and earthy, with a bit of…

What Does A Ground Cherry Taste Like (Orange Cherries, Anyone?)

What Does A Ground Cherry Taste Like (Orange Cherries, Anyone?)

When we think of cherries, we think of bright red fruits hanging in clusters. Or, perhaps we think of the fruits adorning our favorite sundaes and cocktails! One type of cherry that you might not have heard of is ground cherry. Ground cherries are a delicious type of fruit that, while different from their red…

What Does Chontaduro Taste Like? (Are They As Lovely As They Look?)

What Does Chontaduro Taste Like? (Are They As Lovely As They Look?)

What does chontaduro taste like? The world is home to some truly unique fruits. One of those unique fruits is native to the tropical country of Colombia.  This fruit is called a chontaduro. Despite its limited availability, the fruit is hugely popular in countries where it’s easy to come by. Chontaduro has a floury, nutty…

What Do Plantains Taste Like (Is it like Bananas?)

What Do Plantains Taste Like (Is it like Bananas?)

If you’ve ever gone to a supermarket and seen large green bananas, they’re probably not what you think they are. These vegetables, although they look very similar to bananas, are actually called plantains. Plantains are a tropical fruit that have a starchy, savory taste when unripe. Or, when eaten overripe, they have a sweet and…

What Does Sapote Taste Like [+ Quick Intro to All Varieties]

What Does Sapote Taste Like [+ Quick Intro to All Varieties]

Sapote is a fruit of many names, colors and tastes. It’s also a fruit that’s jam-packed with flavor! (Plus, it’s a fruit that really screams that looks aren’t everything. Do NOT get discouraged when you look at it!) The rich and unique flavor of this Caribbean fruit has made it popular in tropical climates. And,…

What Does Tamarillo Taste Like [A Foodie’s Guide to Tree Tomato]

What Does Tamarillo Taste Like [A Foodie’s Guide to Tree Tomato]

What do you get when you cross a tomato and an armadillo? A tamarillo!  Well, not quite, but a fruit named tamarillo certainly does exist and it does taste like a tomato with the shape of an armadillo.  Tamarillos are fruit grown on trees with a savory flavor. These fruits taste similar to tomatoes but…

What Does Sour Sop Taste Like (Is it given away by its name?)

What Does Sour Sop Taste Like (Is it given away by its name?)

The name “Soursop” doesn’t bring to mind juicy fruits and succulent drinks. However, that’s exactly what soursop is. Soursop is a tropical fruit that is enjoyed by thousands of people around the world. Soursop has a flavor that’s sweet, nutty, and slightly sour. It has notes of pineapple and a fruity aroma that fills your…

What Does Cherimoya Taste Like – A unique, tropical fruit that you MUST try!

What Does Cherimoya Taste Like – A unique, tropical fruit that you MUST try!

Despite its lumpy exterior, cherimoya is a delicious fruit that’s enjoyed in the more tropical regions of the world. It’s a versatile fruit that can be blended into drinks or enjoyed on its own! Cherimoya has a sweet, creamy taste reminiscent of condensed milk. Its tart aftertaste balances out the sweetness when it first hits…

What Does Passion Fruit Taste Like (Is It as Unique as Its Name?)

What Does Passion Fruit Taste Like (Is It as Unique as Its Name?)

Just the name passion fruit is likely to leave your mouth watering. It brings to mind delicious flavors, romantic evenings, and sexy aromas. Anyone who chooses to eat passion fruit will enjoy the unique flavor of this fruit. Passion fruit has a subtly sweet and super tart flavor that makes it ideal for baking, juicing,…